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Symposium: “Co-housing: van “Hebben” naar “Delen”

Location: Maastricht city hall

Nieuwe raadszaal

Mosae Forum 10, 6211 DW, Maastricht

Ageing is growing. Loneliness is increasing among all ages. There is a need for new integrated models for multi-generational groups, where togetherness and connectedness are prioritized, advanced and stimulated.

There is a growing need and interest towards new models for collective housing, but in the Limburg area these model are fairly unfamiliar.

In collaboration with the “Maastricht Senior Policy Advisory Committee”, we were asked to organise and lead a mini-symposium for the authorities of the municipality of Maastricht, and to present alternative residential models which could respond dynamically to the current social demographic changes in our society.

The primary objective of this meeting is to draw attention to the theme of co-housing within the policy areas of the municipality of Maastricht. In addition to sharing knowledge and experiences, an attempt is made to initiate an interactive discussion on this topic, which links different policy areas.

The following questions are central:

  • What are the characteristics of co-housing? And what can we learn from the successful examples?

  • How do models of alternative forms of living fit into the future developments of our city (such as 'structural vision Maastricht 2030, space for meeting')?

  • What role can and will the local government take to support/encourage/facilitate such projects?

  • Can co-housing increase the attractiveness of Maastricht as a residential city? (The smart city)


14.30 Welcome and introduction

14.45 - Speakers: Jo Janssen / Laura Piovan: "what is the added value of co-housing?"

15.20 - Speaker: Peggy Totté: "How can a city encourage collective housing"

15.55 - PAUSE (Coffee and flan)

16.15 - Speaker: Eef Tanghe: "How do you start a co-housing project as a resident?".

16.45 - Q&A

17.15 - Closing snacks

Moderator: Vincent van der Stouwe

Panel of speakers:

  • Laura Piovan, architect, ArCharis Architecture.

  • Jo Janssen, architect (Jo Janssen architecten), Hasselt University, Faculty of Architecture and Art Lecturer, Architectuurwijzer (member of the expert council, with special attention to denser living/collective building), co-founder of research center 'Domus' (knowledge research center on innovative forms of living)

  • Peggy Totté, project leader 'collective building and living' within Architectuurwijzer & curator of the exhibition 'collective living in Flanders', board member of the Flemish Association for Space and Planning (VRP).

  • Eef Tanghe, manager of Co-housing Projects, resident of co-housing.

Bijgevoegde links bieden de mogelijkheid een tweetal presentaties van het mini-symposium in te zien.

Presentatie 1 - Jo Janssen, L. Piovan: Co-housing: Meerwaarde en uitdagingen

Presentatie 2 - Eef Tanghe: van droom tot daad

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